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Monday, February 7, 2011

A day on the internet

Since you all liked the tech stuff yesterday, I figured I'd follow up with a little more today.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

CD-Rom storage compared to DVD storage

Here's your second dose of information today. It has to do with my earlier post on the evolution of digital storage but goes a little more in depth. Enjoy

Evolution of Digital Storage

I must apologize for not posting yesterday, life was so hectic I just didn't get around to it. To make it up to you all. I will be doing a double post today. One now and one later tonight. Sorry again.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Facts about Coca-Cola

I would have to agree with all those of you who said it was stupid to over-drink, though I would also agree that drinking in and of itself isn't all that bad. However, for those of you who avoid alcohol all together, have some Coke.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blacking out while Binge Drinking

Playing off the possibility of the zombie apocolypse mentioned in my previous post, you'll definitely feel like a zombie the morning after drinking this much.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Surviving a zombie apocalypse

My roommate is playing the zombie DLC for Red Dead Redemption so I've decided to provide you all with a simple info-graphic on how to most effectively survive a zombie apocalypse.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How to rescue someone from a burning building

Alright, now that I know beards are a no-go for about half of you, I've decided to spice things up with an info-graphic infinitely more practical......all you WWE wrestlers nicknamed "The Fireman", this is for you.