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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blacking out while Binge Drinking

Playing off the possibility of the zombie apocolypse mentioned in my previous post, you'll definitely feel like a zombie the morning after drinking this much.


  1. we need a positives on the effects of binge drinking

    following and supporting!

  2. Haha yes, where are the positives :D.
    There are none if you are on a weight loss mission.
    For your weight loss tips!

  3. people who drink until they lose consciousness are just plain stupid. natural selection at work

  4. I don't really drink, and if I do, I never drink excisive amounts of it or anything. Barely get tipsy.
    And, like said, NATURAL SELECTION

  5. I rarely drink these days, but I wasn't a fan of their solutions. People need to take responsibility for their own actions rather than having government step in and force everyone to be punished for the actions of a few.

  6. it's not how much you drink, it's how little you eat with it!

  7. On average men binge drink 12.5 times a year....women 2.7 times
    I don't know what they consider binge drinking, but having a blow out on payday once a month doesn't seem that bad....and women 3 times a year is it that big a health worry?
    Having said that I do love a good party so I might be biased!

  8. everything in moderation

    your friend,

  9. The prevention methods suggested are a prime example of social engineering that will never work

  10. As someone who is Scottish, and a student (aka someone that drinks a fair bit) I found this a little depressing! Although I know my limits, I'm not a complete idiot. Thanks anyway!

  11. I'm forced to agree with Arcita.

    Besides who needs alcohol to have a good time. In America we don't drink we go outside and shoot our friends!

  12. Don't mind a drink, I just make sure to not overdo it.

  13. I tried to agree, but my beer is always a winner on arguments.

    Also drinking water between shots/cans/bottles, and i mean lots of water, can halve the damage of alchool on your body.

  14. "1 of 20 drank excessively before finding out they were pregnant"
    In spain, 15 of 20

  15. a lot of my friends say with pride that they have blacked out some nights, ill have to show this to them. thanks


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