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Monday, February 7, 2011

A day on the internet

Since you all liked the tech stuff yesterday, I figured I'd follow up with a little more today.


  1. Thanks for sharing this I really enjoyed this one!

  2. It just goes to show you how vital it is to our lives now. O:

  3. I feel like I'm a part of something truly amazing.
    I am now proud of the time that I spend on the internet.

  4. That's some pretty big numbers....

  5. doesn't surprise me... Sadly, 90% of those emails are probably spam/chain mail. 90% of those images posted on flikr are duplicates and/or shitty little 100x100 (or smaller) worthless low quality pics. 90% of the data sent through mobile phones is worthless garbage and teenage girls texting each other using the word "like" between each word... luckily their parents are paying that $145 mill in mobile services. 90% of those new facebook accounts are not unique users, but rather people making multiple accounts. and Sure, the 5 million tweets per day COULD fill the NY times for 19 years. If they did that NY Times wouldn't survive as a business for a week though, let alone 19 years, because most of those tweets are retweets/spam and useless brainfarts nobody gives a shit about.

  6. 210 billion? Christ. But as cooperlife says, most of it is just a huge waste of bandwidth.

  7. Thanks for the upload I really enjoyed reading this

  8. We would all lose our minds without the internet


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